1 Day Meditation Retreat with David Listen (6/25/17)

The Poetry of Chan Meditation

Date: Sun., June 25  • Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm  • Place: Kuan Yin Hall

What does poetry have to do with meditation? How can Chan Buddhist poetry guide you in finding peace amidst the struggles of daily life?

In this series of retreats, David Listen will make use of the poems of Chan Masters (the ancestors of Zen Buddhism) to lead you in the practice of meditation techniques and methods of mindful living.

Based his experience with meditation, Chinese culture & language,
and now living & practicing in a bustling big city, David will bring the centuries-old teachings to life, and show you how to apply them to your life in the modern world.

9:00 am      Introduction/Orientation/Dharma talk
Moving meditation
Sitting meditation, walking meditation, etc.
11:20 am     Vegetarian  Lunch
Rest (Chan Hall)
Dharma talk, meditation, etc.
5:00 pm      Finish, Closing words

David Listen has been teaching Chan/Zen meditation for over 10 years, leading numerous intensive meditation retreats, classes, and activities at various meditation centers, as well as teaching at many college campuses and private institutions throughout the U.S., Europe, and East Asia. Previously known as Venerable Chang Wen, he was one of the few western monastic disciples of Chan Master Sheng Yen. He had been a monk for over a decade, and has since returned to lay life to share Buddhism in his own creative way. David holds a BS in Environmental Studies, and is currently getting his MSEd in Mental Health Counseling. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. He nowadays does life mentoring/coaching, continuing to guide people in their Chan/Zen life practice on an individual and group basis, in and outside of retreat.

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For more information, please contact cym@baus.org or (845) 225-1819

Chuang Yen Monastery 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512

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