10-Day Insight through Satipatthāna (CYM: 5/22 – 31/2017)

3_13 insite

01. Dhamma Talk 01_CYM- U.S.A._23-05-2017
02. Q & A 01_CYM-U.S.A._23-05-2017
03. Dhamma Talk 02_CYM-U.S.A._24-05-2017
04. Q & A 02_CYM-U.S.A._24-05-2016
05. Dhamma Talk 03_CYM-U.S.A._25-05-2017
06. Q & A 03_CYM-U.S.A._25-05-2017
07. Dhamma Talk 04_CYM-U.S.A._26-05-2017
08. Q & A 04_CYM-U.S.A._26-05-2017
09. Dhamma Talk 05_CYM-U.S.A._27-05-2017
10. Q & A 05_CYM-U.S.A._27-05-2017
11. Dhamma Talk 06_CYM-U.S.A._28-05-2017
12. Q & A 06_CYM-U.S.A._28-05-2017
13. Dhamma Talk 07_CYM-U.S.A._29-05-2017
14. Q & A 07_CYM-U.S.A._29-05-2017
15. Dhamma Talk 08_CYM-U.S.A._30-05-2017
16. Q & A 08_CYM-U.S.A._30-05-2017

 Please Click here to APPLY

In order to properly arrange your stay, please kindly submit your application as early as possible..

Protocol of the Retreat
The Eight Precepts

All meditators are expected to observe the eight precepts during the retreat:

  1. Harmlessness: not intentionally taking the life of any living creature
  2. Trustworthiness: not taking anything that is not given
  3. Chastity: refraining from any sexual activity
  4. Right Speech: avoiding false, abusive or malicious speech
  5. Sobriety: not taking any intoxicating drinks or drugs
  6. Renunciation: not eating after midday
  7. Restraint: not wearing make-up, jewelry or immodest clothing; not playing music or musical instruments; to refrain from dancing; singing and to refrain from the use of adornments and ornaments
  8. Alertness: to refrain from using high and luxurious seats and beds

Meditators are required to strictly adhere to the rules of the meditation centre and to practice diligently, according to the instructions given by their teacher.

Noble Silence Meditators are asked to maintain strict “noble silence,” that is, not engaging in any talk with each other, or anyone else, unless it is really necessary during the course of the retreat.

Dress Meditators are expected to dress conservatively and to not wear sleeveless shirts, tank tops, shorts or short skirts when resident at the retreat. Female yogis should wear long skirts or loose trousers, or dresses and blouses with sleeves. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes.

Items to bring Please bring your own toiletries, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, soap, shampoo, razors, mirror, hair-brush and nail clippers.

Meditators may also wish to bring a watch, alarm clock, vitamin supplements as well as any prescribed medicines.

莊嚴寺 Chuang Yen Monastery, 2020 Route 301,Carmel, NY 10512 (845) 225 – 1819, cym@baus.org, register online www.baus.org

01. Dhamma Talk 01_CYM- U.S.A._27-05-2016
02. Q & A 01_CYM-U.S.A._27-05-2016
03. Dhamma Talk 02_CYM-U.S.A._28-05-2016
04. Q & A 02_CYM-U.S.A._28-05-2016
05. Dhamma Talk 03_CYM-U.S.A._29-05-2016
06. Q & A 03_CYM-U.S.A._29-05-2016
07. Dhamma Talk 04_CYM-U.S.A._30-05-2016
08. Q & A 04_CYM-U.S.A._30-05-2016
09. Dhamma Talk 05_CYM-U.S.A._31-05-2016
10. Q & A 05_CYM-U.S.A._31-05-2016
11. Dhamma Talk 06_CYM-U.S.A._01-06-2016
12. Q & A 06_CYM-U.S.A._01-06-2016
13. Dhamma Talk 07_CYM-U.S.A._02-06-2016
14. Q & A 07_CYM-U.S.A._02-06-2016
15. Dhamma Talk 08_CYM-U.S.A._03-06-2016
16. Q & A 08_CYM-U.S.A._03-06-2016
17. Dhamma Talk 09_CYM-U.S.A._04-06-2016
18. Q & A 09_CYM-U.S.A._04-06-2016

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