21-Day Meditation Retreat (Ven. Dhammdipa Thomas) [10/13-11/3/2012]

Online Application Form

Chuang Yen Monastery proudly invites the world-renowned meditation master Venerable Dhammadipa (Thomas Peter Gutmann) to lead an intensive retreat focus on Samatha and Vipassana meditation and the practice of 6 and 10 paramitas as given in the Theravada and the Northern Buddhist Tradition. The practice of “4 heavenly abodes” will be emphasized in the Samatha meditation. Practical instructions will be given for this practice with reference to the Jatakas (Birth stories of the Buddha), Suttantas and Theravada and Mahayana Abhidharma.

Prajnaparamita, being the summit of all the Buddhist practices, will be introduced to the practice of the 4 Brahma Viharas. Other Paramitas (perfections) will be explained to support the Samatha and Vipassana practice as well by giving examples from the southern and northern Buddhist tradition. The emphasis will be on the practical side of the Samatha and Vipassana practice as Paramita, and present theoretical background of these practices.

Meditation Instructor: Venerable Dhammadipa

Ven. Dhammadipa Thomas is the world-renowned meditation teacher, born in Czechoslovakia, has deep understanding of meditation in both Theravada and Mahayana traditions. In 1987, he received traditional Theravada ordination in Sri Lanka, where he practiced meditation under Venerable Nanarama Mahathera.  In 1989, he received ordination as a Mahayana monk in Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles. In 1996, he practiced meditation with the meditation master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw in Myanmar, and is considered by the Sayadaw to be the first of his Western disciples qualified to teach meditation. More than a decade, Venerable Dhammadipa Thomas has taught meditation at western and Asian monasteries and universities around the world, is beloved and well-respected by many Buddhist practitioners and meditators.

DATE: October 13th through November 3rd , 2012

The retreat will start on Saturday morning, October 14th , and will end Saturday afternoon, November 3rd . All participants must attend at least 10 days. No application will be granted if it is less than 10 days.

FORMATEach day of the retreat will include intensive meditation practice, walking meditation, yoga, and personal interviews with Venerable Dhammadipa and his assistants. During the retreat, Venerable Dhammadipa will also give Dharma talks. The Dharma talks will include meditation instruction and teachings on the “4 Brahma Viharas” to have a profound understanding in Samatha and Vipassana meditation and Paramitas. Dharma talks will be given in English, with a summary in Chinese if needed.

PARTICIPANTSMeditators of all ages are invited to attend. Each participant should be able to sit comfortably in meditation for one hour.

FEE: Chuang Yen Monastery is run on the basis of donation, it welcomes your donation to help cover its costs for hosting this retreat. However, those with limited financial resources are most welcome, even if they cannot make a donation. A donation is welcome when participants register on the first day, or at the end of the retreat.  All offerings to the Buddha or Sangha are welcome. If you send a donation check, please address it to: 2020 Route 301, Carmel NY10512.  Please make all checks payable to B.A.U.S. On the check, please indicate the type of donation intended (whether it is for the retreat in particular, or for the Sangha in general).

TO APPLYDownload the application form from the BAUS website, www.baus.org.  Or, obtain an application form at Chuang Yen Monastery (CYM). Submit the completed application form via: (1)Online:www.baus.org; (2) Email:cym@baus.org; (3) Fax:(845) 228-4283; (4)Mail: Chuang Yen Monastery, 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512

LOCATION: Chuang Yen Monastery, 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512.

Driving directions may be found at www.baus.org.

TRANSPORTATION: Participants can take train from Grand Central Station to Cold Spring or Brewster, then take a taxi (Cold Spirng taxi (845) 265-8294, Brewster taxi (845) 278-8830, (845) 279-6552, (845) 279-1390). For transportation from NYC directly to the monastery, please contact private shuttle Vanguard Int’l Travel Inc. at 718-888-1016, 718-886-8868.


Sunandi cym@baus.org (845) 228-4288 extension 103 or

Reverend Sudharma, bauscym@aol.com,       (845) 225-1819 extension 115

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