The Foundations of Mindfulness Retreat will focus on the activities the Buddha considered the absolute foundations of mindfulness. Mindfulness of the body, mindfulness for the feelings (vendanã), mindfulness for the consciousness (citta), mindfulness for the dhammãs. Retreat will be conducted in Chinese with English translation.
Venerable Bhikkhu Kaiyin was ordained in 1987 in Ang Hock See Buddhist Temple, Penang, under Ven. Bhante Wen Jian. He has practiced various meditation methods under the guidance of a number of renowned meditation masters, including: There Ji Cheng, Thera Xiu Jing, There Sheng-yen, Goenka, and Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw. Ven. Bhikku Kaiyin has lead over one hundred intensive meditation retreats.
Ven. Bhikku Kaiyin specializes in The Nikaya collections, Abhidhamma, Visuddhimagga (Path of Purification), commentaries of the Pali Canon, Mahaprajinãpãramitã-śãstra, and Yogacarabhũmi-śãstra ect.
He is currently the chairman of the board in Santa Monastery in the U.S. and the abbot of the Santavana Forest Hermitage in Malaysia.
Retreat Rules
To all participants:
To ensure a successful retreat, we ask every participant to comply with the following rules:
1.Full attendance for 7 days is required.
2.All participants are required to observe noble silence during the retreat.
3.All participants, including those who commute during the retreat, must follow the retreat schedule, including arriving 15 minutes early and departing after all daily events end.
4.Use of phone, cell phone, iPad, computer and electronics are prohibited. Reading books and magazines are also prohibited.
5.Participants are required to turn in cell phones to the on-site staff at the time of check-in on the first day. Cell phones will be returned at the end of the retreat.
6.No voice or video recordings are allowed during the retreat.
7.Other than ask the teacher during the Q&A session, please do not share or discuss personal experience among yourselves during the retreat.
Welcome beginners!
The Notice for Applicants: