A Four-Day Hybrid Retreat with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
August 30 through September 2nd
During the Buddha’s time, thousands of people left the household life to take up the lifestyle of monks and nuns, but the Buddha also had hundreds of thousands of disciples who continued to live at home. To guide his lay disciples, the Buddha offered a rich body of teachings that would enable them to live the best life—a truly noble life—while fulfilling their household duties. Over four days, from Friday evening, August 30, through Monday mid-afternoon, September 2, Bhante will lead a retreat focused on the Buddha’s teachings for laypeople. The retreat will be based primarily on the Maha Mangala Sutta, but Bhante will gather a vast number of suttas and other texts that show how a lay disciple can walk the path to liberation while dwelling amid “the dust of the world.” The retreat will include Dhamma talks, discussion periods, and five sessions of meditation each day. It will also provide the opportunity for those who haven’t yet “gone for refuge” to go for refuge to the Three Jewels, the first decisive step in formally becoming a follower of the Buddhadharma.
The retreat will be in hybrid mode, both onsite and online. The teachings will be in English only. Those who wish to join in person can come to Chuang Yen Monastery and stay from Friday until Monday afternoon. Those who cannot attend in person can practice at home, participating online over Zoom or YouTube.
The monastery can accept only fifty onsite practitioners. If you apply after the fifty spaces have been filled, you will be put on a waiting list and accepted if prior applicants drop out. If you can’t join in person, you can join from home via Zoom or YouTube. You should register to participate onsite only if you can make a commitment to stay at least until Monday afternoon. If you can participate only part time, please join through the online channels.