8-Day Four Sublime Abiding Meditation Retreat (5/16-24/2015)


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8-Day Four Sublime Abiding (Brahamavihāra) Meditation Retreat

Four Sublime Abiding (Brahamavihāra) is one of the fundamental Buddhist meditation methods which can help one reach the form and formless concentrations (rūpa- and arūpa-jhāna) and serves as an excellent foundation for further practice. It is also the best method for us to accumulate merits.
Through practicing four sublime abiding by cultivating loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity,one not only can cleanse body andmind and remove negative thoughts and emotions, but also improve relationships with others and live a harmonious life.

Venerable Dr. DhammadipaSak (Fa Yao), Abbot of Chuang Yen Monastery and Temple of Enlightenment, New York, who is a scholar in early Mahāyāna and Theravāda Buddhism and an expert in SarvāstivādaAbhidharma and TheravādaAbhidhamma. Besides conducting meditation retreats at Chuang Yen Monastery and Temple of Enlightenment regularly, he has been invited to provide meditative instructions on Four Immeasureable (Brahmavihāras) and Mindfulness of Breathing (Ānāpānasati) in East and West Coasts and Midwest as well as countries oversea such as Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and etc. He has taught in English as medium of instruction, Path of Purification (Visudhimagga), Entrance into SarvāstivādaAbhidharma (Abhidharmāvatāra), and various topics related to Buddhism in the Western societies. He used to be a senior professor and lecturer at some of the most prestigious graduate Buddhist institutes in Taiwan as well as a visiting professor of Anthropology and Philosophy Departments at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China. Currently he is Research Fellow in Department Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University.
Retreat will be conducted in English with Chinese translationspontaneously

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