A Series of 1-Day Retreats with David Listen

1-Day Retreats with David Listen

Sun., Dec. 9  • 9:30am – 4:00pm  • Kuan Yin Hall

A series of 1-Day Retreats, providing you instruction on the methods of Chan Buddhist meditation, with references from classic Chan texts and discourses of the Buddha. Learn how to be mindful–while sitting, walking, resting, working, eating, and engaging in your daily life. Find peace and clarity here, now.

David Listen has been teaching Chan/Zen meditation for over 10 years, leading numerous intensive meditation retreats, classes, and activities at various meditation centers, as well as teaching at many college campuses and private institutions throughout the U.S., Europe, and East Asia. For more information see davidlisten.com.

Fee: Donation $15 Include Lunch.



9:30 am
Introduction/Orientation/Dharma talk Moving meditation
Sitting meditation, walking meditation, etc.

11:20 am
Vegetarian Lunch
Dharma talk, meditation, etc.

4:00 pm
Finish, Closing words

Upcoming Dates

Nov. 11

Dec. 9

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