Dual Brains with Eva Lee 5/20 at 2 PM

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Artist Talk & Video Presentation

Eva Lee is pleased to give an Artist Talk and video presentation of Dual Brains, a brainwave-driven
at 2:00 pm on May 20th in the Woo Ju Library.
This work is inspired by neuroscience research which indicates that human brains are fundamentally hard wired for empathy, especially under conditions of duress in which holding hands helps to reduce stress. The performers’ brain data (EEG) is visually presented while they focus their minds on emotionally charged memories, first without physical contact and then while holding hands. Sound is created from brain and heart data (ECG).  This project aims to create dialogue about
the positive social implications of neural interdependence through an artistic experience.

Eva Lee is a visual artist and experimental filmmaker who creates moving images of imagined worlds. She is inspired by what lies at the threshold of perception. “I wonder about the unseen, such as the spaces and energies between cells or subatomic particles. The intangible, such as what
mind is.”

The artist’s Fulbright research project, “Indo-Tibetan Mandalas: Blueprints for Discovering the Nature of Mind and Reality,” examined the roots of Buddhist visual culture and philosophy of mind.

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