Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Ceremony 2011

Date: 10/16/2011 (Sunday) 10 am ~ 12 noon

Place: Chuang Yen Monastery (Great Buddha Hall)

Kuan Yin Bodhisattva attained Buddhahood infinite kalpas ago and was named “The Tathagatha of the Brightness of True Dharma.” Filled with great compassion to help others,  Kuan Yin will appear in any form in accordance with the needs of the beings who need his instruction. That is why he is called “Kuan Yin,” which means, “The Observer of the sights and sounds of the world.”

The ceremony will include:

Prayer Services: Light a “Blessing Lamp” to Buddha for family members, friends, or deceased
Sponosor: we encourage you be a sponosor for a vegetarian meal for all participants

*Please call (845) 225-1819 for more information

The ceremony in Temple of Enlightment will be held on 10/15, Saturday and will include:
Recitation of the Universal Gate Chapter and Enlightenment Chapter (in Chinese)
*Please call (718) 884-9111 for Prayer Services, Dharma Talk, & Vegetarian Meal information.

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