MARCH 25-28, 2022
Mindfulness of the Body, Mindfulness of the Mind
Mindfulness of the body is the first of the four foundations of mindfulness, and mindfulness of the mind the third foundation. From Friday morning, March 25, through Monday afternoon, March 28, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, assisted by Ven. Mangala, will lead an online retreat on these two foundations of mindfulness. During the first two days we will focus on mindfulness of the body, proceding from mindfulness of the breath to full-body awareness. In the second two days we will move to direct contemplation of the mind, using the “contemplation of mind” section of the Satipatthana Sutta as a guide.
While people can attend for part of the retreat, best results will be obtained by those who can join the entire retreat.
You can register for the retreat here. You will find the retreat schedule here and the texts for chanting here .
There is no charge for the course.
Donations for the monastery are always welcome.