Early Mahayana Buddhism in China – Ven. Dhammadipa Fa Yao (WJML 8/21/2011)



“One Aspect of Early Mahayana Buddhism in China – Mysticism or Immanence? ”
法曜法師 《早期中國大乘佛教淨土經論探微》

Date: August 21 2011, Sunday, 2 pm
Place: Woo Ju Memorial Library
Speaker: Ven. Dhammadipa

Chuang Yen Monastery Abbot Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa will be giving a ‘rare-to-hear’ talk on the early Mahayana Buddhism in relation to practice of Pureland, visualizing the Buddha Amitabha to be present in front. This seemingly mystical, but yet, important in Chinese Buddhism has influenced several Mahayana Buddhist texts such as Dasabhūmi Vibhāṣā Sāstra (十住毗婆沙論), and Kumarajīva’s (鳩摩羅什) understanding of faith-based Buddhist practices.

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Program is open to the public free of charge.
For more information, please contact Sunandi (845) 225-1819, ext103 or email library@baus.org.

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