A Buddhist Perspective on Occupy Wall Street (WJML 8/12/2012)

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Topic: “A Buddhist Perspective on Occupy Wall Street” ( 一個佛教徒對占領華爾街的省思)

Lecturer: Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi (菩提比丘)

Date: 2012.8.12 ( Sunday), 2-4 pm

Place: Woo Ju Memorial Library

Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is an American Buddhist monk originally from New York City.  He obtained a PhD in philosophy from Claremont Graduate School in 1972.  In late 1972, he received monastic ordination in Sri Lanka, where he lived for over twenty years.  He was the editor for the Buddhist Publication Society in Kandy, Sri Lanka, from 1984 until 2002.  He has edited Ven. Nyanamoli’s translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha), translated the Samyutta Nikaya (Connected Discourses of the Buddha), and compiled an anthology of suttas from the Pali Canon (In the Buddha’s Words).  His new translation of the Anguttara Nikaya (Numerical Discourses of the Buddha) is due out in the fall. In recent years, he has turned his attention to the issue of world poverty. In 2008, together with his students, they founded “Buddhist Global Relief” (BGR) to assist people throughout the world afflicted with chronic hunger. BGR has launched over fifty projects in southern Asia, Africa, Haiti, and the U.S.

Please click here for directionmap to the library (located inside the Chuang Yen Monastery).

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