Timeline Briefing of BAUS (Part 1, 1964 ~ 1990)

First BAUS facility in the Bronx, NY opened.
Temple of Enlightenment founded.
First Annual Membership Meeting held. Elected as trustees and officers were: President: Rev. Lok To (樂渡法師); Vice President: C.T. Shen (沈家楨居士) / S.J. Yue (俞時中居士).
Woo Ju Shen donated a property which later became the site of the present Temple of Enlightenment (TOE).
The Institute for the Translation of the Chinese Tripitaka (ITCT)  formed in the Republic of China (Taiwan) to foster the aim of translating and publishing Buddhist scriptures in English.
The first Buddhist Dharma Service in Cathedral-of-the-Pines (C.O.P) in New Hampshire sponsored by BAUS. Led by Rev. Lok To (樂渡法師) and Rev. Sheu-Yen. C.T. Shen (沈家楨居士) delivered an address on “What we can learn from Buddhism”.
• A series of Mahayana Discourses delivered by Rev. Jen-Chun (仁俊法師)
• Rev. Sheng-Yen (聖嚴法師) began giving meditation sessions at the TOE.
The second Buddhist Dharma Service in Cathedral-of-the-Pines (C.O.P) in New Hampshire sponsored by BAUS. Led by Rev. Ming-Chi (敏智法師). A sermon entitled “The Fundamentals of Buddhism” given by Rev. Sheng-Yen (聖嚴法師), and a speech titled “May Flower” was delivered by C.T. Shen (沈家楨居士).
First 7-day intensive Ch’an retreat held.
An American student who participated the Ch’an class ordained as a Bhiksu in the Temple of Enlightenment. His dharma name was Kuo Jen (果忍法師).
Rev. Yen-Pei (演培法師) delivered a series of lectures on the Chapter of Inconceivable Skill in Liberative Technique in the Vimalakirti Sutra.
• Initial use of the first Thousand Lotus Terrace.
• Ground breaking ceremony of  Kuan Yin Hall.
Ven. Xian Ming became the abbot of CYM and TOE.
Grand Opening Ceremony of .Kuan Yin Hall.
1984. 11.11
Twentieth Anniversary of BAUS held in TOE
• Two lay people ordained with dharma names 成觀 and成如 in CYM
• Kitchen renovation at TOE completed.
• Woo Ju Shen fund to build a library at Chuang Yen Monastery begun.
BAUS magazine renamed Wisdom Magazine.
Ground-breaking ceremony for the Great Buddha Hall.
Lunch Service for general public begun at Chuang Yen Monastery.

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