A Course in the Majjhima Nikaya with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi (2009-2015)

Videos dated from 2009 to 2015; total 221 vidoes on this playlist

“The Majjhima Nikaya, the Middle Length Discourses”

The Buddha teaches the bhikkhus seven methods for restraining and abandoning the taints, the fundamental defilements that maintain bondage to the round of birth and death.

This ongoing course offers the opportunity to study the Majjhima Nikaya with one of the co-translators of the influential English translation, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Wisdom Publications). The class starts at 9:30 am with a half-hour silent meditation. This is followed at 10 am by a talk on a sutta, with time for questions. A discussion period led by the teacher will be held after lunch, from noon to 12:30 pm. Newcomers are welcome.

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