CYM Abbot Ven. Dhammadipa (Fa Yao), 2008 – May 2015

Abbot Venerable Dhammapida (Fa Yao) was born in Taiwan and grew up in Malaysia. In 1987, he received his full-ordination as a Bhikkhu monk in Sri Lanka under Ven. Prof. Dhammajoti. He received his degree in Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pali University and his master degree in Buddhist Philosophy at Kelaniya University in Sri Lanka respectively.

In 2005, he successfully hold a at the department of Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Bristol, U.K. His special preferences are in Abhidhamma and meditation practices, and often stress the importance of the meditation in society. He speaks Chinese, Cantonese, Hakka, English, etc., and reads many languages for his persuasion of academic like Sanskrit, Pali, Japanese, French, German, etc.

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