
BAUS together with its few staffs  help with continuous administration and  maintenance, depends significantly on the generosity of its members and volunteers.

Current Volunteer Opportunities


World Peace

Ever since the beginning of CYM, the visitors were a melting pot of various religious faiths. Weekends, especially Sundays, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike visit CYM for various ongoing programs including sitting & walking meditation, lectures, book discussion programs, and they enjoy a vegetarian lunch at the Dining Hall. Interfaith Prayer has been held annually on New Year’s Day to promote mutual understanding among all the religions.

Community Service

Every year, several events such as Chinese New Year Blessing Ceremony, Garden Party on Mother’s Day, Ritual for the Deceased, and Summer Camp have been put together for the community to serve a diversity of ethnic groups. Donations are made to senior centers, fire departments, and food banks when possible. Volunteers take the initiative and coordinate events for public awareness when disasters occur around the world.

Free Book Distribution

This program is based on the common need of human nature, to find stability and lasting satisfaction in a world of change, and to overcome suffering and to seek happiness. Many books are free for visitors and are sent to prisoners if requested. This is due to the contributions of many Buddhist masters, authors, and donators all around the world. Those materials come with a simple good wish for mankind to obtain ultimate peace and happiness.

School Program

To support educational needs in the tri-state areas and to welcome various ethnic groups, volunteers with different ethnic backgrounds make significant dedication for this program. Each year, CYM serves thousands of students who visit the grounds, and also accepts invitations for talks in schools, prisons, and community centers.


According to Buddhism, world peace starts from inner peace. The principle of Buddhism teaches: “Do no evil, cultivate good. Purify one’s mind.” This is the teaching of Buddhism. CYM offers various retreats throughout the year for people to spend time to develop inner peace. CYM invites Buddhist masters from other states or countries to conduct retreats across all regularity Buddhist traditions.

We welcome anyone who wishes to develop understanding of the 4 noble truths and the noble 8 fold paths to learn more about Buddhism. Please call (845) 225-1819 for more information.