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Qing Ming (Tomb-sweeping) Ceremony (TOE 4/9/2016)

Announcement of the Qing Ming (Tomb-sweeping) Ceremony 敬啟者: 本寺謹訂於2016年4月9日10:00a.m. ~ 4:00p.m.舉行清明法會,法會當日恭誦《地藏菩薩本願經》及佛前大供;敬設消災拔度牌位及設齋供眾,歡迎闔府蒞寺同霑法益。 清明,是中國傳統二十四節氣中的第五節氣,也是掃墓祭祖的重要節日。《歲時百問》說:「萬物生長此時,皆清潔而明淨,故謂之清明。」 宋朝以後,清明最重要的活動即是掃墓,親族子孫到祖先墓前,祭拜焚香,打掃墓園,表達慎終追遠之意。本寺特於此節日舉行清明法會,藉大眾共修之力,以期能夠達到冥陽兩利。 “Until the hells are empty, I vow not to become a Buddha; Only After all living beings are saved, will I myself attain Bodhi” ~ Earth Store

7-Day Amitabha Pure Land Retreat (12/19-26/2015)

Online Registration Chuang Yen Monastery has invited Pure Land Master Ven. Tsung Tzu (從慈法師) to conduct the seven day Pure Land Retreat that will take place December 19 through December 26 of this year. Ven. Tsung Tzu was ordained in

Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva Renunciation Ceremony (CYM 10/25, TOE 10/24)

觀世音菩薩有不可思議之威神力、慈悲力,於過去無量劫中,已功德圓滿成就佛道,然而為了救度眾生,又再示現菩薩之身,普濟眾生。 本寺感念菩薩之恩德,特舉辦點燈祈福法會,是日由常住法師率領大眾恭誦『觀世音菩薩普門品』、『佛前大供』。 大覺寺, 2015 年10 月24日(週六)10:00am~12:00noon 莊嚴寺, 2015 年10 月25日(週日)10:00am~12:00noon ※法會敬設燃燈供佛及設齋供眾功德項目※ The Sanskrit name “Avalokiteshvara” means “the lord who looks upon the world with compassion”. Translated into Chinese, the name is “Kuan Yin”or “Quan Yin”. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is the embodiment of great compassion. He

7 Days Vipassana Meditation Retreat (9/20-27/2015)

ATTENTION, Participants:  Due to the itinerary change of the instructor, Mother Shih, the Vipassana Meditation Retreat will change from 10 days to 7 Days, FROM 9/20 TO 9/27. Please arrange your transportation accordingly, thanks. Satipatthana Vipassana is an insight meditation technique. It is highly emphasized

Mindfulness of Breaths Meditation Retreat (TOE 6/12-14/2015)

  Online Application 大覺寺 安般念 三日禪 Temple of Enlightenment Mindfulness of Breaths Meditation Retreat 6/12 – 6/14 2015 法曜法師帶領安般念 安般念(出入息觀)不僅成就止和觀的解脫法門, 也被視為對治胡思亂想最有效的禪修方法。法曜法師帶領及指導此殊勝禪法。 The meditation method Mindfulness of Breathing is not only comprises Concentration (samādhi) and Insight (vipassanā) meditations but also serves

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