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Medicine Buddha Ceremony(10/27/2019)

Medicine Buddha (Bhaiṣajyaguru) is the Buddha of healing in Buddhism, can cure all sufferings (both physical and mental) of living beings. The Medicine Buddha Sutra is commonly chanted and recited in Buddhist monasteries. And the Medicine Buddha’s great 12 vows

TOE Kuan Yin Renunciation Ceremony (10/12/2019)

Form download Temple of Enlightenment Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Ceremony October 12, Saturday 10:00am to 12:00pm Dear friends, please join us for a Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Ceremony honoring the Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin. Temple of Enlightenment, in the Bronx, on Saturday October 27, 2018

BRONX: Ullambana Ceremony (TOE: 8/10/2019)

8/10/2019 (Sat) 10:00 am to 12:00 pm 3070 Albany Crescent, Bronx, NY 10463 Tel:(718) 884-9111 Fax: (718)884-7894 Email: 本寺謹訂於2019年8月10二五10:00a.m. ~ 12:00noon 舉行盂蘭盆法會,法會當日恭誦《盂蘭盆經》及上盂蘭盆供;敬設消災拔度牌位、供僧功德款及設齋供眾,以此功德迴向現世父母及七世父母,以報父母長養慈愛之恩,歡迎闔府蒞寺同霑法益。 The Ullambana Ceremony is based on the practice from the Ullambana Sutra. In the Sutra the Buddha

Help us Pave the Future

Our Road is in need of repair. Can you help? The road that leads you to CYM is in need of repair. Dana, or giving, is one of the fundamental virtues of Buddhism. Please make a donation to the Buddhist

TOE Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony • BRONX

Celebration Chuang Yen Monstery May 12, 2019 10:00 am – 3:00 pm The Chuang Yen Monastery invites you to celebrate Vesak. Commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death (Parinirvana) of Gautama Buddha and to gather to honor Mother’s Day. Events will

Buddha’s Birthday and Mothers Day Garden Party 5/12/19

Celebration Chuang Yen Monstery May 12, 2019 10:00 am – 3:00 pm The Chuang Yen Monastery invites you to celebrate Vesak. Commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death (Parinirvana) of Gautama Buddha and to gather to honor Mother’s Day. Events will

TOE The Qing Ming Ceremony 4/6/2019

TOE The Qing Ming Ceremony 4/6/19 4/6/2019(Sat) 10:00am to 4:00pm The Qing Ming (Tomb-sweeping) Ceremony will be held by TOE on April 6, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We will be chanting “The Sutra of the Past Vows

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