Past Events – Upcoming Events
2018 Chinese New Year’s Schedule
Volunteer Application Form Form download
Amitabha’s Pure Land Retreat(12/22-29 2018)
A Series of 1-Day Retreats with David Listen
1-Day Retreats with David Listen Sun., Dec. 9 • 9:30am – 4:00pm • Kuan Yin Hall A series of 1-Day Retreats, providing you instruction on the methods of Chan Buddhist meditation, with references from classic Chan texts and discourses of the Buddha.
Ven. Dhammadipa Thomas 10 day Meditation Retreat 11/17-26
Entrance to Meditation Practices in Northern Buddhism Chuang Yen Monastery proudly invites the world-renowned meditation master Venerable (Thomas Peter Gutmann) to lead a meditation retreat. Meditation Practices in Northern Buddhism Ven. Dhammadipa will introduce meditation on mindfulness of breath, anapanasmrti
4 Foundations of Mindfulness with Ven. Bhikkhu Kaiyin 10/12-19
The Foundations of Mindfulness Retreat will focus on the activities the Buddha considered the absolute foundations of mindfulness. Mindfulness of the body, mindfulness for the feelings (vendanã), mindfulness for the consciousness (citta), mindfulness for the dhammãs. Retreat will be conducted
BAUS 2018 Summer Camp Closing Ceremony Teen Speech 郭恩裕
When I first heard that I would be attending camp, of course I was excited about getting the chance to learn more about the religion I had grown up with. But honestly I didn’t have many high expectations. As someone
A Short Introduction to Buddhism
A Short Introduction to Buddhism The Path to Inner Freedom The class will be conducted in 2 parts each containing an instruction section and a practice section. This Introductory series is deigned to be a 6 part program with an emphasis
CYM Amitabha’s Pure Land Retreat(12/22-29 2017)
Form download Online Registration 2017 Chuang Yen Monastery Amitabha’s Pure Land Retreat Date: Dec. 22 to Dec. 29, 2017 INSTRUCTOR: Ven. Hui Tsung The Pureland tradition believes that by reciting the name of the Amitabha Buddha single-mindedly, one can be
Madhyamika Book Study Group
The Buddhist saint Nãgãrjuna, who lived in South India in the second century CE, is the most influential, and widely studied Mahayana Buddhist philosopher. His many works include texts addressed to lay audiences, letters of advice to kings, and a set
CYM Brahmavihāra Meditation Retreat (11/19-25/17)
Brahmavihãra Meditation Retreat Join us to a weeklong meditation retreat on the Divine Abiding (brahmavihãra), which could lead to the liberation of the heart (cetovimutti). Through the liberation of the heart, the yogis will experience the state of mind free