Past Events – Upcoming Events

CYM Kuan Yin Renunciation Ceremony(10/13/2019)
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Button_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Dear friends, Chuang Yen Monastery will commemorate the Renunciation of the Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin on Oct. 13, 2019 at the Great Buddha Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00noon. The event for that day includes the chanting of

Kan Huatou Meditation Retreat / Ven. Hui Men (CYM: 9/13 – 21/2017)
Retreat date: 9/13 – 9/21/2017 Registration : 4.00pm Orientation : 6.00pm REGISTER HERE Chan Master Hui Men (Gate to Wisdom) was born with family name Jiang, in Chiayi, Taiwan. He once held positions as Associate Professor of National Chung

Abhidhamma Study Retreat with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi (CYM: 9/1 – 4/2017)
Nikayas-on-the-Five-Aggregates Abhidhamma-Syllabus Abhidhamma-Schedule Comprehensive-Manual-of-Abhidhamma The Path of Purification Retreat Date: Sept 1st (Friday) Registeration: 5.00pm at the admin office Orientation: 6.30pm at Kuan Yin Hall Class begins: at 7:00 pm Retreat Ends: Sept 4th (Monday) at

The Four Protective Meditations with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi (CYM: 8/5, 12, 19, 26/2017)
Sign up for class notice Follow Live Stream TV Class Video Recordings The four protective meditations are a group of meditation topics designed to establish a firm foundation for growth in the Dhamma. The four are: recollection of the Buddha,

Ullambana Ceremony (CYM: 8/19/2018)
※《Form download》。 We cordially invite you to join the Ullambana Ceremony to receive blessings and to deliver the deceased from suffering, make donations to the nuns and monks, and to sponsor vegetarian meals for fellow participants. The merits accrued from
Mind Over Movie Series (WJML: 6/3, 7/8, & 8/12/2017)
FINDING JOE: Saturday, June 3, 2 -4 pm In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told and he called it “the heroes journey”. A truly inspirational film, FINDING

Giving 8 Precepts and Thrice Memorial Pureland Retreat (CYM: 7/28 – 30/17)
八關齋戒 & 三時繫念 Online Registration (Sessions conducted in Chinese) Schedule: 7/28 (Fri) : Registration @ 5.00pm 7/29 30 (Sat): Giving 8 Percepts Full details will be posted as they are available • Contact: (845) 225 -1819; Chuang Yen Monastery

Buddhist Summer Camp 2017 (CYM: 6/30 – 7/4/2017)
Registration is full. NO Waiting list. 全部額滿Registration is full. 夏令營 主題 緬懷先賢 繼往開來 慈悲喜捨 福慧莊嚴 Remembering with gratitude our virtuous ancestors, we inherit the past and empower the future. With loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, we adorn ourselves with merits

1 Day Meditation Retreat with David Listen (6/25/17)
The Poetry of Chan Meditation Date: Sun., June 25 • Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm • Place: Kuan Yin Hall What does poetry have to do with meditation? How can Chan Buddhist poetry guide you in finding peace amidst the struggles of daily life?
10 Days-Insight Meditation (CYM 5/22-31/2017)
※《***》。 10-Day Insight through Satipatthāna Meditation Retreat 5/22 – 5/31/2017 Insight through Satipatthāna – This residential meditation retreat will be conducted in the Theravāda Buddhist tradition with a focus on Satipatthāna, the meditation practice of the “four foundations of mindfulness.”

10-Day Insight through Satipatthāna (CYM: 5/22 – 31/2017)
2017 01. Dhamma Talk 01_CYM- U.S.A._23-05-2017 02. Q & A 01_CYM-U.S.A._23-05-2017 03. Dhamma Talk 02_CYM-U.S.A._24-05-2017 04. Q & A 02_CYM-U.S.A._24-05-2016 05. Dhamma Talk 03_CYM-U.S.A._25-05-2017 06. Q & A 03_CYM-U.S.A._25-05-2017 07. Dhamma Talk 04_CYM-U.S.A._26-05-2017 08. Q & A 04_CYM-U.S.A._26-05-2017 09. Dhamma

Meditation with Ven. Suddhaso (5/21)
May 21th, Sunday 9:00 – 5:00 pm Place: Kuan-Yin Hall Contact: (845) 225 -1819; Please join us in Welcoming Suddhaso Bhikkhu from the Bhavanna Society, a Theraveda Monastery in West Virginia. Bhante Suddhāso first started to practice Buddhist meditation at the