Abhidhamma Study Retreat (9/4-7/2015)
The Philosophical Psychology of Early Buddhism. Third study retreat in the Abhidharmma with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi. Textbook: A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidharmma
Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva Renunciation Ceremony (CYM 10/25, TOE 10/24)
觀世音菩薩有不可思議之威神力、慈悲力,於過去無量劫中,已功德圓滿成就佛道,然而為了救度眾生,又再示現菩薩之身,普濟眾生。 本寺感念菩薩之恩德,特舉辦點燈祈福法會,是日由常住法師率領大眾恭誦『觀世音菩薩普門品』、『佛前大供』。 大覺寺, 2015 年10 月24日(週六)10:00am~12:00noon 莊嚴寺, 2015 年10 月25日(週日)10:00am~12:00noon ※法會敬設燃燈供佛及設齋供眾功德項目※ The Sanskrit name “Avalokiteshvara” means “the lord who looks upon the world with compassion”. Translated into Chinese, the name is “Kuan Yin”or “Quan
Prior Ven. Pure, 2015 –
She was born in Taiwan, city of Kee-Lung and became the nun in Sun-she Grand-View Temple in 1985. Studied in Ching-Chueh Buddhist College from 1986 to 1989. Was learning the process of
Rare Buddhist Text donate to the BAUS
On Sunday August 23rd, 2015, the World Fotu Foundation, on behalf of Yunju (Cloud-dwelling) Buddhist Temple, Beijing, China, is offering the sacred text of “FangShan Stone Tripitaka Sutra” to Woo
The Lotus Repentance Ceremony & Dharma Talk on Tiantai School (9/12-19/2015)
Online Application ( Blessing Light Registration form download )