7/28 Zen and the Music of John Cage James Pritchett, Musicologist
REGISTER NOW Join us at the Woo Ju Memorial Library for Zen and the Music of John Cage: A Talk by James Pritchett, an insightful discussion of the intersection of Zen
REGISTER NOW Join us at the Woo Ju Memorial Library for Zen and the Music of John Cage: A Talk by James Pritchett, an insightful discussion of the intersection of Zen
Volunteer_Register online ※只接受全程參加者。 Only accept participants can join whole summer camp. ※恕不接受父母親帶13歲以下小孩童來參加任何組別。 Not accept parents bring children under 13 years old to join summer camp. ※每一份報名表,只能填寫一個人。 請詳讀簡章和注意事項後,再填寫此報名表. Summer Camp is
Sunday, May 12, 2024, 2-4pm @ Woo Ju Memorial Library In celebration of BAUS’s 60th anniversary, please join us at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Dr. CT Shen & Mrs.
youotube LIVE Please Join Venerable Sayadaw Saturday, May 25, 2024 From 9-11 AM Chuang Yen Monastery at Woo Ju Memorial Library In English with Chinese Interpretation Ven. Sayadaw U Aggañña Sayadaw is one
Happy Year of the Dragon! We are please to annouce: The monastery will have extended hours for the whole week of Lunar New Year Feb 12-18 from 10 am to
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You are cordially invited to participate in this auspicious event. Light-a-light The Chuang Yen Monastery will conduct a ceremony of New Year’s blessings on February 10 and 11, 2024. During
SCHEDULE People sometimes come away with the impression that the Buddha’s teachings are bleak and pessimistic. It’s true that the Buddha speaks about the universality of suffering, about the specter