Diamond Sutra Study Retreat Series 1• Ven. Xin Xing • 8/25  9am – 3pm

The stages of the two paths and five bodhicitta in the Diamond Sutra
SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm

Ven. Xin Xing  The Founder and Abbot of Dharma Seal Monastery in Walden, NY. Ven. Xin XIng was a resident monk in Chuang Yen Monastery. He inherits both Linji and Soto traditional Chinese Ch’an transmission linages. His teaching include not only the teachings of the Chinese patriarchs but also  the root teachings of the Buddha.

Registration if full,  register after 8/18 will be on the waiting list!

Program schedule

9:00 am – check-in 
9:30 am – Meditation without guidances
9:40 am – greet teacher / bow to Buddha
9:45 am – introduction today’s master and class
9:50 am – morning class 1 
10:35 am – tea break & cookies
10:45 am – morning class 2 
11:30 am – lunch and break


12:50 pm – meditation 
1:00 pm – afternoon class 1 
1:45 pm – tea break & cookies 
2:00 pm – afternoon class 2 
2:45 pm – share the merits, bow to Buddha and teacher & group photo
3:00 pm – clean up


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