Kan Huatou Meditation Retreat W/ Ven. Hui Men

Ven. Hui Men.

Date: June 12-19

Registration 2:00pm  • Orientation 3:00pm  • Retreat Starts 4:00pm

Teacher: Ven. Hui Men. vulgar surname Jiang, Taiwan Chiayi people. He was Associate Professor of National Chung Hsing University, visiting professor of Taipei Medical University, and adjunct professor of national Taitung University.

Since 1978 he has studied Buddhist meditation. He has studied deeply the traditions of the north and south, Tibetan, Buddhist sects, specializing in and play and zen.

In 1991 April . He became monk. For the 42 world and the Rinzai Cao cave 48 generation disciple.

In January 1, 1997, the division took advantage of the cause, and moved the Buddha, Zen and meditation college to Hualian, and founded the Buddhist Force College and the Buddhist Liberation Road Institute, dedicated to the education of Buddhist monks. In 1998 founded the Baizhang mountain temple for mountain.

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