Love and Fear with Lama Rod on Zoom

Saturday, August 29th @ 2 pm

Love and Rage with Lama Rod on Zoom

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Youtube Live:

Love and Fear During Times of War with Lama Rod on Zoom 8/29

Please join us Saturday, August 29th @ 2 pm Zoom and YouTube Live

The world is having a difficult moment. Each day we learn of a different conflict or crisis, which threatens the lives of so may people. It is easy to live with a lot of fear right now and it is even easier to react out of that fear was well. When we react out of fear we tend to create much more harm in the world. This is a time of darkness and war and fear lies at the heart of much of the violence we are experiencing.How do we befriend our fear and offer it permission to teach us how to move through it into a state of freedom? How do we use our fear to connect to the fear so many other people are experiencing? Ultimately, how do we begin to love what is unlovable, especially our fear? During our time together, we will call on the teachings of Buddhadharma as well as our own intrinsic wisdom to lean into our fear with love.

“Everything has to be loved if you’re interested in getting free.”

—Lama Rod Owens

Lama Rod Owens is a Buddhist minister, author, activist, yoga instructor and authorized Lama, or Buddhist teacher, in the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism and is considered one of the leaders of his generation of Buddhist teachers. He holds a Master of Divinity degree in Buddhist Studies from Harvard Divinity School and is a co-author of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation. Owens is the co-founder of Bhumisparsha, a Buddhist tantric practice and study community. Has been published in Buddhadharma, Lion’s Roar, Tricycle and The Harvard Divinity Bulletin, and offers talks, retreats and workshops in more than seven countries.

This Virtual Dharma Program is sponsored by the generous donors of Woo Ju Memorial Library.

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