Mind Over Movie Series (WJML 2012 Fall)

A Saturday Afternoon Movie and Discussion Series at the Woo Ju Library

(The group will meet at the first Saturday of every month at 2:00 pm)


10/6  “Awake” (84 Minutes) – Consciousness before Death

11/3 (schedule changed) 11/17 “Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter” (102 Minutes) – Liberation or Love?

12/1 (schedule changed) 12/8 “Zen” (128 Miunutes) – Seeking Truth

Online Registration

(The film study group is limited to 25 persons, on a first come basis. )

The viewing and discussion film group will be organized and led by Prof. Russell C. Leong, who obtained his MFA in filmmaking from UCLA and author of “Asian Pacific Independent Media Arts”, the first textbook on the subject.

Mr. Alex Lamas, Buddhist, received refuge from Ven. Dhammadipa Sak, 20 years of experience in filmmaking business, who will assist in the class.

Buddhist perspectives will be provided by Ven. Dhammadipa Sak, Abbot of Chuang Yen Monastery and special guests, when available.  Selected reading materials will also be distributed.

Free Admission

Woo Ju Memorial Library at Chuang Yen Monastery
The Buddhist Association of the United States
2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512
(845) 225 – 1819, ext 103
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