There will be 2 time slots available from 10am-12pm and from 1pm-3pm.
To visit the Monastery you must apply for a permit in advance.
僅戶外開放 上午 10-12 點 和 下午 1-3 點 兩時段 必須 事先申請汽車通行証
We ask that you kindly only choose one date and time slot due to the limited number available.
To keep everyone safe during the pandemic we are asking you to visit outside only except for the partial reopening of the indoor of Great Buddha Hall. Please enter through the front glass door to the area surrounding the donation box to worship (a line will be setup to prevent tourists from crossing).
Most halls and buildings remain closed.
You may walk around the monastery grounds after parking at the main parking lot. (see map above)
The restrooms are open and located under The Great Buddha Hall through the office entrance.
You must wear a mask indoors, but not required outdoors.
We thank you for social distancing. Be well.