Dr. Chia Theng Shen
Dr. SHEN, CHIA THENG (1913-2007), co-founder of the Buddhist Association of the United States (abbreviated hereafter as BAUS), was born on Dec. 15, 1913 in Chekiang, China. In 1937, after obtaining his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the National Chiao
A Glimpse Of Buddhism
Delivered in a joint assembly of two Catholic high schools New York, New York April 10, 1970 Dear friends: According to Webster’s dictionary, religion is “the service and adoration of God as expressed in forms of worship, in obedience to
Some Knowledge About Buddhism
Delivered as Christ Church Parish Ridgewood, New Jersey November 1, 1978 Dear friends: You probably all know that China is a nation in Asia. How many of you know the Chinese character for the word China? It is Chung Kuo
What We Can Learn From Buddhism
Delivered at Cathedral of the Pines West Rindge, New Hampshire August 29, 1971 Dear friends: What can we learn from Buddhism? The answer to this question could be nothing or many things; both answers, according to Buddhism, are correct. It
Buddhism in Our Daily Life: Lecture 1 – The Concept Of Birth And Death
BUDDHISM IN OUR DAILY LIFE A series of lectures delivered at The China Institute in America New York, New York 1976 Lecture 1: THE CONCEPT OF BIRTH AND DEATH Dear friends: In the Christian Bible, in the Book of John, chapter
Buddhism in Our Daily Life: Lecture 2 – The Truth Of Karma
BUDDHISM IN OUR DAILY LIFE A series of lectures delivered at The China Institute in America New York, New York 1976 Lecture 2: THE TRUTH OF KARMA Dear friends: In last week’s discussion of the concept of birth and death, the
Buddhism in Our Daily Life: Lecture 3 – The Truth Of Self (Emptiness)
BUDDHISM IN OUR DAILY LIFE A series of lectures delivered at The China Institute in America New York, New York 1976 Lecture 3: THE TRUTH OF SELF (EMPTINESS) Dear friends: Someone asked my why I used the word ‘emptiness?in parenthesis after
Buddhism in Our Daily Life: Lecture 4 – The Source Of Joy
BUDDHISM IN OUR DAILY LIFE A series of lectures delivered at The China Institute in America New York, New York 1976 Lecture 4: THE SOURCE OF JOY Dear friends: Let me make it clear, first of all, that the joy I
The May Flower
Delivered at the Cathedral of the Pines West Rindge, New Hampshire July 4, 1976 Dear friends, On May 14th, the National Day of Prayer this year, I was invited to offer a prayer in New York City. The presentation consisted
Mayflower II: On the Buddhist Voyage to Liberation
MAYFLOWER II: On the Buddhist Voyage to Liberation Author: C.T. Shen Edition/Format: Document: English Description: PDF: 805 KB Summery: A collection of Dr. C. T. Shen’s lectures on Buddhism
The Five Eyes
Delivered at the Temple of Enlightenment, Bronx, New York May 25, 1969, the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of Buddha Shakyamuni Dear friends: What are the five eyes? Buddhism classifies the eye into five categories; namely, the Physical
The Enlightenment Of Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin (Avalokiteshvara) Part I
Delivered at the University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii February 26, 1982 Co-sponsored by Kuan-yin Temple Dear friends: The Bodhisattva Kuan-yin made a great vow to release all sentient beings in the universe from suffering. Numerous miraculous events have been attributed