
TOE Ceremonies

Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s Birthday Ceremony (TOE 3/11/2017)

※若您想要消災超度、設齋供眾,請填寫表格《大覺寺_消災超度表格》。 A Ceremony in Commemoration of the Birthday of Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin Dear friends, Temple of Enlightenment will commemorate the Birthday of the Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin on March 11, 2017 from 10:00

CYM Ceremonies, TOE Ceremonies

Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva Renunciation Ceremony (CYM 10/25, TOE 10/24)

觀世音菩薩有不可思議之威神力、慈悲力,於過去無量劫中,已功德圓滿成就佛道,然而為了救度眾生,又再示現菩薩之身,普濟眾生。 本寺感念菩薩之恩德,特舉辦點燈祈福法會,是日由常住法師率領大眾恭誦『觀世音菩薩普門品』、『佛前大供』。 大覺寺, 2015 年10 月24日(週六)10:00am~12:00noon 莊嚴寺, 2015 年10 月25日(週日)10:00am~12:00noon ※法會敬設燃燈供佛及設齋供眾功德項目※ The Sanskrit name “Avalokiteshvara” means “the lord who looks upon the world with compassion”. Translated into Chinese, the name is “Kuan Yin”or “Quan

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