Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi is an American Buddhist monk from New York City. He obtained a BA in philosophy from Brooklyn College (1966) and a PhD in philosophy from Claremont Graduate School (1972).
After completing his university studies he traveled to Sri Lanka, where he received novice ordination in 1972 and full ordination in 1973. For many years he was the president and editor of the Buddhist Publication Society in Sri Lanka.
He has been living at Chuang Yen Monastery since 2006. Ven. Bodhi has many important publications to his credit either as author, translator, or editor, most recently a translation of the entire Anguttara Nikaya, The numerical Discourses of the Buddha (Wisdom Publications 2012).
In 2008, together with several of his students, Ven. Bodhi founded Buddhist Global Relief, a non profit supporting hunger relief, sustainable agriculture, and education in countries suffering from chronic poverty and malnutrition. In May 2013 was elected president of BAUS.
2017 Vesak in UN
Day of Vesak 2017 – Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Studying the Buddha’s Words (CYM 4/2-5/21/2016)
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha A Course in the Majjhima Nikaya with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi This will be the concluding segment of our in-depth study of The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Wisdom Publications), which has been
Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi sent prayer in Catholic Church (3/25/2012)
Members of at least eight distinct faith groups, including Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Presbyterian, Episcopal, the Bruderhof and Roman Catholic, convened for an Interfaith Harmony Prayer Service on Sunday, March 25, 2012. Open to the public, the service was held
Sutta Study Class with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi -Winter Schedule 2012
Dear Friends, Happy Holidays, The Sutta Study Class with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi will have classes on January 7th, 14th28th, and Feb. 4th . After this, we will have a winter break. The classes will resume on March 17th. Also, because the kitchen does not
Sutta Study Class with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha Schedule for April ~ June of 2013: Date Sutta No. Sutta Title Main Topic April 13th 95 With Canki How to realize the truth April 27th 97 & 99 Dhananjani Sutta & Subha Sutta On
A Buddhist Diagnosis of the Climate Crisis – Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi (WJML 8/29/2010)
Climate change, or global warming, hasn’t been receiving much attention in the national media these days, but this doesn’t mean that the problem has been licked. Far from it. Climate change may indeed be the most serious crisis facing the
Live TV with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi & Past Classes Video Clips
Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, originally from New York City, has been a Buddhist monk since 1972. He was the editor for the Buddhist Publication Society in Sri Lanka, from 1984 until 2002. He has edited Ven. Nanamoli’s translation of the Majjhima