Join us for a 3-Day Retreat on the Mindfulness of Breathing with Bhante Subodha
Temple of Enlightenment in the Bronx
July, Friday 26 - Sunday 28, 2024
Bhante Subodha, a native of Sri Lanka, began his journey as a novice monk in 1990 and was ordained in 1993. He demonstrated his commitment to deepening his knowledge and understanding of Buddhism by passing the Examination of Dharmacharya (Dhamma Teacher) in 1995, as well as the Intermediate Examination of Prachina Pandit Degree from The Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka in the same year. In 2001, Bhante Subodha obtained his BA (Special) degree in Sanskrit and Hindi from the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka. He further honed his expertise by earning a degree in Tripitaka Visharada (Eminence of Tripitaka) from the Ramanna Maha Nikaya in 2007. Throughout his career, Bhante Subodha has dedicated himself to teaching. From 2002 to 2006, he served as a teacher at Vidyaravinda Maha Pirivena in Gampaha, Sri Lanka. He then went on to become the vice principal from 2006 to 2011 and later the principal from 2011 to 2015 of Sri Vidyaloka Pirivena in Welisara, Sri Lanka. During this time, he offered instruction in Pali, Sanskrit languages, and Theravada Buddhism. Since 2013, Bhante Subodha has been residing in the United States. He continues to guide meditation and teach Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha. Currently, he serves as the prior of the Enlightenment in the Bronx, fulfilling his role as a spiritual leader and facilitator of wisdom and insight.