Ullambana Ceremony (TOE 8/13/2016)

Dear friends:
The Ullambana (“deliverance from suffering”) Ceremony will be held by TOE on August 13th, 2016 from 10:00 am to 12:00noon. We cordially invite you to set up red longevity tablets and yellow memorial tablets (offer prayers) to receive blessings and to deliver the deceased from suffering, make donations to the nuns and monks, and to sponsor vegetarian meals for fellow participants. The merits accrued from these acts of piety and devotion will be dedicated to the donor’s parents of this life and those of the previous seven lives to repay their parental kindness. Your whole family is welcome to join us and share the benefits of the Dharma.
May you be happy and healthy.

本寺謹訂於2016年8月13日10:00a.m. ~ 12:00noon舉行盂蘭盆法會,法會當日恭誦《盂蘭盆經》及上盂蘭盆供;敬設消災拔度牌位、供僧功德款及設齋供眾,以此功德迴向現世父母及七世父母,以報父母長養慈愛之恩,歡迎闔府蒞寺同霑法益。

耑 祈
祝大慈悲恆自在 With loving-kindness
B.A.U.S. & Temple of Enlightenment 7/15/2016


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