When West Meets East – Dr. James Carter (WJML 9/9/2012)

Topic: “Traveling with Ven. Tanxu, Meeting with Ven. Lokto: Finding Modern China Through the Lives of  Two Buddhist Monks”

Lecturer: Professor James Carter

Date: 2012.9.9 (Sunday), 2-4 pm

Place: Woo Ju Memorial Library, 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512

Professor James Carter, the author of last year Oxford University publication: “Heart of Buddha, Heart of China”, will be sharing his insights with his unique experiences about the spiritual practice in the development of China. Intended to write a scholarly work analysing the role of cultural and social transition, especially Buddhism, in China. He found Ven. Tanxu (倓虛大師), a fasinating figure represented millions of Chinese who shaped the history. While doing research on Ven. Tanxu (倓虛大師), he met Ven. Lokto, and started his journey in various monasteries in Harbin, Qingdao, Yingkou, Hong Kong, Ningbo and Tiantai–as well as New York– to conduct research……

Professor James Carter

  • B.A., University of Richmond
  • M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University
  • Current is the Fellow in Public Intellectuals Program at National Committee on U.S.-China Relations & Professor at Saint Joseph’s University
  • His work “Heart of Buddha, Heart of China: the life of Tanxu, a twentieth century monk” was published in 2011.
  • Carter, who is also director of Saint Joseph’s international relations program. Recently, he accompanied a delegation of senior U.S. Congressional staffers to China, acting as a scholar-escort. He also is the chief editor of the scholarly journal Twentieth-Century China. He has been quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer and on national blogs. Clear Channel booked him for its public affairs program, which aired on several radio stations.

Ven. Lok-To is the founder of the Buddhist Association of the United States (BAUS), and was the first president from 1964 – 1974. During the year of his service, he had built a solid principle & value for BAUS. He was also the one of the three founders of the Chamshan Temple in Toronto, Canada and the Young Men’s Buddhist Association of America(美國佛教青年會). He mastered in English, and dedicated his time and energy on translation Buddhist text from Chinese to English. His work can be found through the website of “Young Men’s Buddhist Association of America”.

The program is open to the public free of charge. All are welcome.

For further information, you can contact Phone: (845) 225-1819, ext 103, or Email: library@baus.org

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