美國佛教會 莊嚴寺 2011年行事曆

2011 Calendar for BAUS at Chuang Yen Monastery




1/1 各宗教聯合祈禱世界和平法會  Interfaith Prayer   10am ~ 12pm
1/2 ~ 3/31 冬季封山 Monastery Closed
2/3 新春祈福法會  Chinese Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony    10am
4/3 清明法會  Qinming Ceremony      10am
4/23 ~ 4/30 七日內觀禪 7-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat 4/23 (Sat.) 2pm 報到 registration / 4:00pm 簡報 Orientation
5/1 春季祭祀安靈法會  Spring Ritual for the Deceased     1:30pm ~ 4pm
5/8 浴佛法會、暨母親節園遊會 Buddha Day Ceremony & Mother Day Garden Party   10am ~ 4pm
5/13 ~ 5/18 原始點療法 五天講習 5-Day Origin-Point Therapy  5/13 (Fri.) 4pm 報到 registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation
5/27 ~ 6/1 禪五 5-Day Meditation Retreat      5/27 (Sat.) 2pm 報到 registration / 4:00pm 簡報 Orientation
6/5 美國佛教會 年度會員大會  BAUS Annual General Meeting (for members only)
7/1 ~ 7/5 佛學夏令營(親子、少年、青年、成人) Buddhist Summer Camp (Family, Teen, Youth, Adult) 7/1 (Fri.) 2pm 報到 registration / 4:00pm開營Opening Ceremony
7/15 ~ 7/17 夏季寺院生活體驗營 Summer 2-Day Spiritual Life in Monastery  (Medium: Mandarin / 語言:中文) 7/15(Fri.) 2pm報到 Registration / 4:00pm 簡報 Orientation
7/17 觀音菩薩成道紀念法會 Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Ceremony  10am~12 pm
8/14 盂蘭盆供佛齋僧法會  The Ullambana Ceremony      10am ~ 12 pm
9/3 ~ 9/10 梁皇寶懺法會 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony 9/3 (Sat.) 2pm 報到 registration / 4:00pm 灑淨 Orientation
9/30 ~ 10/2 秋季寺院生活體驗營 Fall 3-Day Spiritual Life in Monastery      9/30 (Fri.) 2pm報到 Registration / 4:00pm 簡報 Orientation
10/2 秋季祭祀安靈法會  Fall Ritual for the Deceased      1:30pm ~ 4pm
10/16 觀音菩薩出家紀念法會 Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s renunciation Ceremony   10am~12 pm
10/15 ~ 10/21 準提七 7-Day Cundi Retreat        10/14 (Fri.) 2pm報到 Registration
11/19 ~ 11/27 八日禪 8-Day Meditation Retreat   11/19 (Sat.) 2pm報到 Registration / 4:00pm 簡報 Orientation
12/24 ~ 12/31 佛七  7-Day Amitabha’s Pure Land Retreat 12/24 (Sat.) 2pm報到 Registration / 4:00 pm 儀軌講解、灑淨、開示Orientation


