浴佛法會(5/18 2025)


美國佛教會 莊嚴寺 Change

The Buddhist Association of the United States Service

Chuang Yen Monastery                                                                         

2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512

Tel:845-225-1819   Fax:845-228-4283    

http:www.baus.org     E-mail:info@baus.org

浴佛法會  通啟

Announcement of the Vesak Celebration 


    本寺謹訂於202551810:00am ~ 12:15pm舉行浴佛法會,法會當日恭誦《浴佛功德經》及佛前大供;敬設點燈及各項功德,誠摯邀請您參加點燈及各項功德。歡迎闔府蒞寺同霑法益。


    耑  祈


美國佛教會  莊嚴寺 敬啟                                                                                                            202528

Dear friends,

The Chuang Yen Monastery will be celebrating Vesak with a Dharma service from 10:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on May 18, 2025. We will recite the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha and make a Grand Meal Offering to the Buddhas. We invite you to sponsor the lighting of a blessing lamp or to participate in other blessing or memorial services.  You are welcome to bring your entire family to the Monastery to share the benefits of the Dharma.
