行人但能專持念 必至寂光不動場
支票抬頭請開B.A.U.S並請註明用途。※12月21日(六) 2:00PM報到,4:00 PM儀規講解,6:30pm灑淨、開示、過堂教導
※12月28日(六) 2:00PM舉行【三時繫念】超薦施食佛事一堂
亦可電洽詢問服務台845-225-1819 Ext 1012019 Chuang Yen Monastery Amitabha’s Pure Land Retreat
Date: Dec. 21 to Dec. 28, 2019
The Pureland tradition believes that by reciting the name of the Amitabha Buddha single-mindedly, one can be reborn in the Western Pureland where enlightenment is guaranteed. Apart from the chanting and recitation, the participants will also have a chance to hear dharma lectures on the importance of establishing mindfulness and contemplating the virtue and merit of the Buddha in the practice, and the aspect of cultivating faith in the Western Pureland and the Amitabha Buddha.
Note: Longevity and memorial tablets will be available during the dharma session for merit sharing. Donations for the tablets are welcome. If you would like to make any donations for meal offerings during the retreat, please inform the monastery before the dharma session. You are welcome to be a sponsor even if you can not participate. Please specify on your check the purpose of your donation and make it payable to BAUS.
Contact: Phone: 845-225-1819 Ext.101or105 E-Mail: info@baus.org Website: www.baus.org