
本寺謹訂於2022年4月3日10:00am ~ 4:30pm舉行清明法會,法會當日恭誦《地藏菩薩本願經》及佛前大供;敬設消災拔度牌位及各項功德。        
    耑  祈
Announcement of the Qing Ming (Tomb-sweeping) Ceremony
Dear friends,
The Chuang Yen Monastery will conduct a ceremony of Qing Ming (Tomb-sweeping) from 10:00am to 4:30pm on April 3, 2022. During this ceremony, we will recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and make a Grand Meal Offering to the Buddhas. We invite you to sponsor our offering of paper plagues for the memorial and other blessing services that aim at bringing relief to the deceased and the living.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has not abated, the Qing Ming Ceremony will not be open to the public. It will be broadcast live through the internet. We cordially invite all to participate in the service online, to share the benefits, and to jointly wish for an early end to the global pandemic.
May you have the constant ease of great compassion!