

Announcement of the Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Ceremony

本寺謹訂於2022年10月9日10:00am ~ 12:15pm舉行觀音菩薩出家紀念法會,法會當日恭誦《觀世音菩薩普門品》及佛前大供;誠摯邀請您參加點燈及各項功德。


      Chuang Yen Monastery will be holding a ceremony to commemorate Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s renunciation of the householder’s life. The ceremony will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 12:15 pm on October 9, 2022. We will recite The Chapter on the Universal Door of Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva from the Lotus Sutra and make a Grand Meal Offering to the Buddhas. We invite you to sponsor the lighting of a blessing lamp and other services.

It is believed that Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva had already attained the Buddhahood countless kalpas ago as The Tathagatha of the Brightness of True Dharma. Because of his great compassion, he returns to the worlds of all beings and manifests himself as a bodhisattva. In the Western World of Supreme Bliss, he assists the Amitabha Buddha in teaching the Dharma; he also appears in other worlds, bringing salvation to all beings. There is no place in all the worlds of the ten directions that is without his presence. He appears in different shapes and forms according to the different needs of different beings, especially the beings of the Sahā World, with whom he has special affinity. Because of his great vow to appear in front of any afflicted being who calls out for him, he is called Kuan-Shi-Yin, “the one who sees the sufferings and hears the cries of the world.” He is also called Kuan-Zi-Zai, “the one with great ease owing to the insight of emptiness,” because his self-benefiting practices and others-benefiting practices all lead to great ease.
