

Announcement of the Ullambana Ceremony

本寺謹訂於2024年8月18日10:00am ~ 12:15pm舉行盂蘭盆法會,法會當日恭誦《盂蘭盆經》及上盂蘭盆供;敬設消災拔度牌位及各項功德,歡迎闔府蒞寺同霑法益。


Chuang Yen Monastery will conduct a Ullambana (“deliverance from suffering”; Chinese transliteration yulan pen) Ceremony from 10:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on August 18, 2024. We will recite the Ullambana Sūtra and make the Ullambana Offering during the ceremony. We invite you to sponsor the offering of paper plagues for the memorial or blessing services that aim at bringing relief to the deceased and the living.  You are welcome to bring your entire family to the Monastery to share the benefits of the Dharma.

Ullambana (the “yulan” in yulan pen) means “hanging upside down,” referring to the suffering of the hungry ghosts, which is similar to what one suffers when hung upside down. The Chinese character pen means a vessel of deliverance. Therefore, Ullambana (yulan pen) means rescuing those who are hung upside down, or delivering the hungry ghosts from their suffering.

May you have the constant ease of great compassion,
