莊嚴寺 佛七 (12/24-31/2011)









佛說般舟三眛經云:立一念 信是法 隨所聞 念其方 宜一念 斷諸想……

念佛三眛強調心外有佛,而後精進用功。把心繫在念佛上,直到心中沒有雜念煩惱時,佛就會自然和我們相應;就算是不求阿彌陀佛的接引,我們也會身置淨土世界。 體驗極樂世界般的清淨莊嚴。

圓滿日施放三時繫念一堂,惟願法界存亡等罪消除同生淨土,念佛功德無量,為在世者祈福慧增長、過往者蓮品高昇。並為利法會大眾,法會期間敬設長生祿位及往生蓮位、及點燈祈福 。若不克前來參加,欲隨喜功德或供齋,廣求福田,歡迎將支票寄至莊嚴寺。支票抬頭請開B.A.U.S並請註明用途。

佛七盛會難逢,以禪修的方式領導入信念佛,欲要參加佛七者請從速,詳情請上美佛會網站www.baus.org並請詳閱報名簡章及配合事項。亦可洽電詢問服務台845-225-1819 x101.105。需交通者請洽電: 718-888-1016一帆旅遊巴士

The Pureland tradition believes that by reciting the name of the Amitabha Buddha single-mindedly, one can be reborn in the Western Pureland where enlightenment is guaranteed. This year’s seven-day Amitabha session will be led by the abbot of Chuang Yen Monastery, Venerable Fa Yao. Apart from the chanting and recitation, the participants will have chance to hear Venerable Fa Yao’s dharma lectures on Pratyutpannasamadhi sutra among other Pureland sutras. He emphasizes the importance of establishing mindfulness and contemplating the virtue and merit of the Buddha in the practice, and the aspect of cultivating faith in the Western Pureland and the Amitabha Buddha.

Note: Longevity and memorial tablets will be available during the dharma session for merit sharing. Donations for the tablets are welcome. Lantern raising will also be available. If you would like to make any donations for meal offerings to the monastics, please inform the monastery before the dharma session. You are welcome to be a sponsor even if you can not participate. Please specify on your check the purpose of your donation and make it payable to BAUS.



