美國佛教會 莊嚴寺 2012年行事曆

陽 曆


活  動  項  目    Activity

1/1 各宗教聯合祈禱世界和平法會  Interfaith Prayer   10am ~ 12noon
1/2 – 3/31 冬季封山 Monastery Closed
1/23 新春祈福法會  Chinese Lunar New Year Blessing Ceremony    10am
4/1 清明法會  Qinming Ceremony      10am
4/13 – 4/23 10日內觀禪 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat

4/13 (Fri.) 5pm 報到 registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation

5/6 春季祭祀安靈法會  Spring Ritual for the Deceased     1:30pm ~ 4pm
5/13 浴佛法會、暨母親節園遊會 Buddha Day Ceremony & Mother Day Garden Party   10am ~ 4pm
5/25 – 5/30 原始點療法 五天講習 5-Day Origin-Point Therapy workshop

5/25 (Fri.) 5 pm 報到 registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation

6/9 美國佛教會 年度會員大會  BAUS Annual General Meeting (for members only)
6/30 – 7/4 佛學夏令營(親子、少年、青年、成人) Buddhist Summer Camp (Family, Teen, Youth, Adult)

6/30 (Sat.) 2pm 報到 registration / 4:00pm開營Opening Ceremony

8/3 – 8/5 夏季寺院生活體驗營 Summer 2-Day Spiritual Life in Monastery  (Medium: Mandarin / 語言:中文)

8/3 (Fri.) 5pm 報到 Registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation

8/5 觀音菩薩成道紀念法會 Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Ceremony  10am~12 pm
8/26 盂蘭盆供佛齋僧法會  The Ullambana Ceremony      10am ~ 12 pm
8/31 – 9/3 安般念靜心觀 Mindfulness of Breaths 8/31 (Fri.) 5pm 報到 Registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation
9/22 – 9/29 梁皇寶懺法會 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony

9/22 (Sat.) 2pm 報到 registration / 4:00pm 灑淨 Orientation

10/5 – 10/7 秋季寺院生活體驗營 Fall 2-Day Spiritual Life in Monastery

10/5 (Fri.) 5pm 報到 Registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation

10/7 秋季祭祀安靈法會  Fall Ritual for the Deceased      1:30pm ~ 4pm
10/13 – 11/3 性空法師禪修 3-Week Meditation Retreat

10/13 (Sat.) 4pm 報到 Registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation

10/28 觀音菩薩出家紀念法會 Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva’s renunciation Ceremony   10am~12 pm
11/23 – 12/1 八日禪 8-Day Meditation Retreat     11/23 (Fri.) 5pm 報到 Registration / 7:00pm 簡報 Orientation
12/22 – 12/29 佛七  7-Day Amitabha’s Pure Land Retreat

12/22 (Sat.) 2pm報到 Registration / 4:00 pm 儀軌講解、灑淨、開示、問遮難 Orientation


  農曆新年(1/22-23)  9am ~ 5pm開放給信眾參訪,年初夕與年初一皆有午齋供應。


‚  4/1 ~ 12/31         9:00am ~ 5:00pm開放給信眾參訪。只有星期六、日供應午齋。

ƒ  6/9-10 ; 6/23-24     夏令營小老師訓練 Counselor Training

4  開放期間,於週六及週日舉辦不定期的佛法講座及靜坐,詳情請上本會網站查詢。

Notice From January 2nd to March 31st CYM will be closed to visitors, except on Chinese New Year Jan. 22nd and 23rd. Lunch will be provided on these two days.

Beginning April, we will resume our normal schedule, (open from 9:00am to 5:00pm). Meditation & Buddhist Teaching will be held on Saturdays & Sundays, for detailed information please visit BAUS website.

美國佛教會The Buddhist Association of the United States  (BAUS)     baus2020@gmail.com

2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512   Tel:845-225-1445 Fax:845-225-1485

莊嚴寺 Chuang Yen Monastery  (CYM)     cym@baus.org

2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512  Tel:845-228-4287/4288 Fax:845-228-4283
