莊嚴寺 準提法會 (5/16-20/2014)


時 間:2014年5月16日至5月20日



地 點:莊嚴寺 觀音殿 Chuang Yen Monastery (Kuan Yin Hall)
2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512
Fax:(845)228-4283 E-mail:cym@baus.org

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於一九七一年出家,依止仁俊、廣善兩位長老為剃度師父,法名 「宏善」,法號「從智」,日後得南懷瑾老師嘉勉,特以「首愚」為自謙之號。一九七二年至七七年入學東方佛教學院高級部一年及佛光山叢林大學,就讀唯識學系四年,其間閉關專修般舟三昧四次,並得南懷瑾老師之指導。


一九九O年經南懷瑾老師安排,至廈門南普陀寺閉第十次關,為期五個月,主修準提法門,配合般舟三昧之行禪,得殊勝之感應。一九九二年至一九九四年間,在北京佛牙塔閉關3次, 隨後又於臺灣閉關專修9次,首愚法師自出家迄今(二O一四年),於臺灣大陸兩地先後閉關近30次,在見地、修證、行願上奠定了深厚的基礎。在南普陀閉關後,首愚法師開始帶領禪林住眾與社會大眾專修準提法門,每年春、夏、秋、冬四安居,各有準提七、七七四十九之專修(夏安居為十三週),皆親自主七,與會大眾多蒙法益。




Biography of Ven. Shoyu, Founding Abbot of Ten Directions Monastery

Ven. Shoyu, the Founding Abbot of the Ten Directions Monastery in Taiwan, holds the ideal of “Building a Majestic World, Walking the Path of Dharma,” and commits himself to promote the Dharma throughout the world.
Ven. Shoyu has been the Vice Chairman of the Buddhist Association of United States (BAUS), the Abbot of the Chuang-Yen Monastery and Temple of Enlightenment in New York. Throughout the East and the West, Ven. Shoyu has been to the United States, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao… etc, to promote the Chinese Buddhism. Among his teachings, Ven. Shoyu especially advocates the long-lost Tang-Dynasty Esoteric practice of Cundi Dharani, which is a fusion of Mahayana, Hinayana, and Vajrayana traditions.
Ven. Shoyu was born to the Liu family in 1947 in Taichung, Taiwan. In 1969, while serving the military duty, Ven. Shoyu was awaken after reading the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. He realized that the path to Enlightenment was shown in all activities in life, be it walking, standing, sitting, or laying. At the moment, Ven. Shoyu aspired himself to be enlightened, and to re-establish the tradition and lineage of the Chinese Chan Buddhism.
Ven. Shoyu was ordained in 1971 by Ven. Renjun and Ven. Guangshan. He was given the Dharma Name “Hong-Shan” (Pormoting the Wholesomeness) and the Dharma Title “Cong-Zhi” (Following the Wisdom). Later on, with the encouragement of Mr. Huai-Chin Nan, Ven. Shoyu chose “Shoyu” (Foolish Head) as his humble title. From 1972-1977, Ven. Shoyu entered the graduate program of the Oriental Buddhist Institute and Fo Guang University College of Buddhist Studies, where he studied the Yogacara school for four years. During his study, Ven. Shoyu also entered four retreats to practice the Pratyutpanna Samādhi under the guidance of Mr. Huai-Chin Nan.
In 1979, Mr. Huai-Chin Nan founded the Mahayana Society. Ven. Shoyu held its post as the Temple Superintendent. During a Cundi Dharani retreat, Ven. Shoyu was initiated by Mr. Nan as an Acharya who was capable of passing on the Cundi Dharani practice.
In 1990, under an arrangement by Mr. Huai-Chin Nan, Ven. Shoyu entered a five-month retreat in the South Putuo Temple. During the retreat, Ven. Shoyu focuses on the Cundi Dharani implemented with Pratyutpanna Samādhi, and attained an auspicious epiphany. From 1992-1994, Ven. Shoyu again entered into retreat three times in Buddha’s Tooth Relic Pagoda (in Beijing Lingguang Temple), and nine more times in Taiwan. To date, Ven. Shoyu has entered almost thirty retreats in Taiwan and China since he was ordained, which served as a solid foundation for his insight, practice, and faith.
After his retreat in the South Putuo Temple, Ven. Shoyu began to host Cundi Dharani retreats for monastery members and laypersons. Every year, during each of the four Vassa in spring, summer, autumn and winter, Ven. Shoyu personally lead 7-day and 49-day (and 13-week in summer) Cundi Dharani retreats to benefit the people.
During mid-September 1995, Ven. Shoyu received the invitation from BAUS to lead Cundi Dharani retreats in New York Chuang-Yen Monastery and in New Jersey. The retreats were well-received by the public, and they were the prelude to Ven. Shoyu’s Dharma teachings in the United States and Canada. Later on, in May 1999, Ven. Shoyu was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the BAUS, and as the Abbot for New York Chuang-Yen Monastery and Temple of Enlightenment for two years.
In 2009, with his faith to promote Buddhism, Ven. Shoyu started intensive Cundi Dharani retreats in Taiwan, China and Malaysia. Starting from 2010, Ven Shoyu would first enter a retreat before promoting Dharma outside, as to accumulate merits for karma and wisdom.
In his Cundi Dharani practice, Ven. Shoyu integrates the Prajna Insight Meditation, which develops an insight on the svabhava through the eye-consciousness; the Kuan-Yin Samadhi Meditation, which develops an insight on the svabhava through the ear-consciousness; and the Prajna Samadhi Meditation, which is blessed by Buddhas in all realms, past, present and future.
It is the Venerable’s wish that he along with all Dharma practitioners continue to study the Kuan-Yin Meditation, develop the Vajra Chanting, and penetrate deeply into the Lunar Wheel Insight. With those, we may transform our habit-driven karmic body into enlightened Trikaya to benefit all sentient beings.
Ven. Shoyu aspires himself to accomplish Mundane tasks with the spirit of Liberation. He established the Ten Directions Monastery, which is a temple for the all-compassionate thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Ven. Shoyu also re-established the Ten Directions Buddhist Academy to continue Mr. Huai-Chin Nan’s will to promote Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and the Hundred Schools Thought, and to bridge the chasm between the traditional Chinese culture and the modern society. Utilizing Mr. Nan’s core principle of “Insight, Practice, and Faith” as the guideline, it is Ven. Shoyu’s goal to educate the public, promote the traditional culture, and provide philanthropy; and to benefit the society, people, and all sentient beings;
