銅人療法 (10/24-26/2014)

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Tong Ren Therapy

10/24 – 10/26/2014

Developed by Tom Tam, and an integral part of the Tom Tam Healing System, Tong Ren is a form of energy therapy for restoring health and vitality. Tong Ren is based on a belief that disease is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body’s natural flow of chi, neural bioelectricity, blood, or hormones. Tong Ren seeks to remove these blockages, restoring the body’s natural ability to heal itself, even when illnesses are chronic, debilitating, or otherwise untreatable.

「銅人療法」在美國正以燎原之勢迅速發展。它是譚輝醫師於1998年新發展出來的能量療法。理論上它的治療能量來自人的潛意識跟集體潛意識的相連,集體潛意識跟宇宙間的超意識相連,所以取之不盡,用之不竭。人的意念透過銅人(人體針炙模型)跟病者的結滯點或區相連,並連接集體潛 意識及超意識引入能量,以打開氣結阻塞,通達經絡,從而達到醫治病痛的效果。
