大覺寺 安般念靜心觀 (6/12-14/ 2015)

大覺寺 安般念 三日禪
Temple of Enlightenment
Mindfulness of Breaths Meditation Retreat
6/12 – 6/14 2015

安般念(出入息觀)不僅成就止和觀的解脫法門, 也被視為對治胡思亂想最有效的禪修方法。法曜法師帶領及指導此殊勝禪法。
The meditation method Mindfulness of Breathing is not only comprises Concentration (samādhi) and Insight (vipassanā) meditations but also serves as the most effective way to counter the wandering thoughts.Ven. Dhammadipa (Fa Yao) will guide and teach this profound meditation method.

Venerable Dr. Dhammadipa (Fa Yao)was ordained at 1987. He is currently the abbot of the Chuang Yen Monastery and the Temple of Enlightenment. He obtained his bachelor and master degrees in Sri Lanka whereas doctoral degree in Theology and Religion from UK.
法曜法師為莊嚴寺及大覺寺方丈。 法師出家於1987年,在斯里蘭卡獲得學士、碩士學位,於
1:00 pm 報到 Registration
1:30 pm 簡報 Orientation
2:00 pm-6:00pm 禪坐Meditation
6/13 & 6/14
9:00am – 11:30am禪坐Meditation
1:30pm – 6:00pm 禪坐Meditation
