2 月 5 日(星期二,大年初一,誦經、點燈、祈福)
05:30am 開啟觀音殿,擊鼓叩鐘迎新年
06:00am 正月初一早課、禮祖
10:00am 佛法開示、大佛殿點燈祈福、祈世界和平、信眾消災增福
01:30pm 誦六字大明神咒、祝福偈、吉祥繩結緣
05:00pm 法會圓滿關山門
Chuang Yen Monastery
Chinese New Year Blessing Ceremony
Dear Friends:
May this announcement bring your whole family much peace and harmony.
Chuang Yen Monastery is going to hold its 2019 Chinese New Year Ceremony on
February 5, 2019, the New Year’s Day in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. You are
cordially invited to participate in this auspicious event. Ceremony will begin with a
blessing delivered by the Abbot; follow with the chanting service lead by all the
monastic. After the afternoon service, the monastic will tie Auspicious Thread for all
participants. You may also use this opportunity to offer lights to the Buddha or offer
May the service bring World Peace, Country Prosperity, & Family Harmony
Date:Feb 5, 2019
Time:10:30am-12:00noon, 1:30pm-3:30pm
If you are interested in light offering or meal offering, please fill out the form at the back.
※若加入義工行列 請洽本寺 TEL:845-225-1819 X101、105。(服務時間09:00am~5:00pm)
If you are interested in volunteering opportunities, please contact us at 845-225-1819 X101
Address: 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512 Tel:845-225-1819 www.baus.org