莊嚴寺 浴佛法會 5/10/2020

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浴佛法會暨母親節園遊會 通啟
Announcement on the Vesak Day Celebration and Mother’s Day Garden Party
本寺謹訂於2020年5月10日10:00am ~ 3:00pm假大佛殿舉行浴佛法會暨母親節園遊會,法會當日恭誦《浴佛功德經》及佛前大供;敬設點燈及設齋供眾;1:00pm民俗才藝表演,歡迎闔府蒞寺同霑法益。
耑 祈
祝大慈悲恆自在 美國佛教會 莊嚴寺 敬啟Dear friends,
Chuang Yen Monastery will offer a Vesak Day celebration in the Great Buddha Hall and host a Mother’s Day garden party from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on May 10, 2020. We will recite the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha and make a Grand Meal Offering to the Buddhas. Participants are encouraged to make donations to sponsor the lighting of a lamp for the blessings for themselves or deliverance of the deceased and/or to sponsor the vegetarian meal for fellow participants. Performances of a culture variety show will begin at 1:00 p.m. We welcome your entire family to come and enjoy the benefit in the Dharma.
Legend has it, at the birth of the baby that is to become the Buddha Shakyamuni, nine heavenly dragons appeared and emitted water to cleanse the newly born Prince Siddhartha. To commemorate the birth of the Buddha, Buddhists from all over the world celebrate the Vesak Day in the monasteries of their countries. The arrival of the Buddha Shakyamuni brings to the feverishly afflicted sentient beings of the three realms the Buddha Dharma that is refreshing and cool; it also provides the sentient beings, who are lost in the cycle of rebirths, with a path to deliverance. The true meaning of the Vesak commemoration is that, through the external act of bathing a Buddha statue, we remind ourselves to internally purify our minds. The ceremony of bathing the statue of Prince Siddhartha with floral water is a reminder that we rinse off the outer bodily soil and cleanse our inner defilements; that we maintain the purity of the body and mind in every moment; and that we are inspired to grow in ourselves the quality of compassion and wisdom.
The general environment of the world today is an up-side-down world of insecurity. If we all practice the Buddha Dharma, we can not only help ourselves but also bring hope to others, and we may turn individuals towards the wholesome, the society towards stability, the nations towards prosperity, and the world towards peace.
May you have the constant ease of great compassion,
B.A.U.S. and Chuang Yen Monastery
